Crossing Nederland voor MIND

Alex Hudson-Roberts
van totaal € 2.500 (60%)
400 km Afgelegd
Mijn doel 400 km | Bereikt 100%

In June 2024 I will be running across the Netherlands from the most eastern to the most western point. Day 1 will begin in Bad Nieuweschans and Day 7 will finish on the Belgian border-town of Sint Anna ter Muiden.

This big adventure will be an opportunity to raise money for Stichting MIND and the Prinses Beatrix Spierfonds. These two causes hold an important place in my heart and I am glad to be able to support those who fall into these demographics.

I will be fortunate enough to see a huge portion of the country I now call home, and will be able to do so with the help of two dear friends. By bike they will help carry supplies, aid in navigation and keep spirits high when I will be at my lowest.

Completing this great feat won’t provide a profound solution for the terrible things that can come with mental health deficits or with life-changing muscular conditions, but I hope the event will help inspire others to strive for more in life and continue fighting for those in need.

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58,04 km
CN: Day 7 (Final Leg) 14-06-2024 | 08:41
65,5 km
CN: Day 6 13-06-2024 | 08:36
58,04 km
CN: Day 7 (Final Leg) 14-06-2024 | 08:41

Legs are the sorest they’ve ever been. The wind and rain was strong, especially on the stormvloedkering. But we pushed through and made it to Middelburg which was over halfway for the day. A long stretch all the way to Vlissingen and the ferry port, where I could give my legs a short rest, before a final half marathon through the last stretch to the border where the sun was shining. I’m done.

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65,5 km
CN: Day 6 13-06-2024 | 08:36

I don’t know what to say honestly. The first half was strong with motivation high as ever. Roads began to get dangerous and the sun was high in the sky. Getting water and energy on was getting harder and my mood was wavering a lot. Body is very broken and tomorrow will be really hard.

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56,55 km
CN: Day 5 12-06-2024 | 08:40

Was joined by a group of absolute legends. A big thank you to Luke David Willem Roma De Netto Jack Sargent Filip Kwiatkowski Nigel Roberts. They paced me, supported me, and gave me the love and motivation I needed in day 5. My body hurts. Two more days to put my body through the wringer and get this done.

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46,33 km
CN: Day 4 11-06-2024 | 08:10

Not the fastest today, as we had a long stop by the MIND office in Amersfoort. Lovely to meet the superstars behind the charity. Shortest day of the week, but glad it’s over. Over the halfway mark. Body is starting to hurt but we have three days to go.

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59,88 km
CN: Day 3 10-06-2024 | 08:08

A great start to the day, with surprisingly fresh legs only made difficult by the copious amount of rain. Proceeded to get lost around the 45km point once we entered the Hardewijk Bos which added an extra 2km to the planned route as well as manoeuvring around waterlogged mountain bike trails and getting a few ticks en route. Today is done, bring on tomorrow please.

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60,86 km
CN: Day 2 09-06-2024 | 08:11

A long day following yesterday’s start to the trip. Motivation was high for a lot of today with a solid game plan of running:walking and fuelling consistently. Headwind picked up again in the second half as we left the woodland and travelled through more fields, and the last 4km were very tough. Time to relax for another 57km tomorrow.

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52,86 km
CN: Day 1 08-06-2024 | 15:33

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€ 15 20-06-2024 | 11:50
€ 20 18-06-2024 | 23:18 Incredible achievement, really well done mate!
€ 10 18-06-2024 | 22:13 What an amazing feat! Congrats on completing the run & raising so much money for two amazing causes 👏
€ 20 16-06-2024 | 17:03
€ 20 14-06-2024 | 19:42
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Ready, Set, Run: The 400km Journey Begins in Less Than 48 Hours!

06-06-2024 | 18:58 Dear Family, Friends and Supporters, The moment we've been preparing for is almost here! In less than 48 hours, I will embark on this 400km run across the Netherlands, from its easternmost point to the westernmost point, passing through 7 of this beautiful country’s 12 provinces. This incredible journey will span 7 days and I couldn't be more excited to get going.   A Heartfelt Thank You First and foremost, on behalf of Tim and myself, I want to extend my deepest gratitude to each and every one of you who has supported this endeavor. Your generous donations and words of encouragement have been a tremendous source of motivation. Together, we are raising vital funds and awareness for two incredible charities.   Stay Connected You can follow and share my progress on my Strava profile via the link below:👉 [](   Every step I take is a step towards making a positive impact. Your continued support and encouragement mean the world to me, and together, we can make a difference. Thank you once again for your incredible support. Let’s make this journey unforgettable! With gratitude, Alex Hudson-Roberts
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