Sirius Request: look out for yourself
48e Bestuur SiriusWij komen in actie voor MIND, want we willen graag onze bestuursgenoot eren en psychische gezondheid bespreekbaar maken. Na het overlijden van onze bestuursgenoot en lid van Sirius willen wij graag andere mensen die kampen met mentale problemen helpen. We willen ons graag inzetten voor iedereen die niet het gevoel heeft dat hij of zij hulp kan zoeken en we willen graag benadrukken dat er heel veel mensen zijn waar je terecht kan. Zo hopen we ons in te zetten voor zelfmoordpreventie, psychische problemen te helpen voorkomen en mensen die er last van hebben te ondersteunen. 27 juni 2022 vindt Sirius Request plaats.
Steun jij ons in onze actie voor MIND? Deel onze actie dan met iedereen die je kent. En: Doneer! Liefs, het 48ste bestuur van Sirius
We are taking action for MIND, because we would like to honour our board member and make mental health a subject of discussion. After the death of our board member and member of Sirius, we would like to help other people who are struggling with mental health. We would like to dedicate ourselves to anyone who does not feel they can seek help and we would like to emphasise that there are many people and services you can turn to. In this way, we hope to dedicate ourselves to suicide prevention, to help prevent mental problems and to support people who suffer from them. 27 June 2022 Sirius Request will take place.
The concept of Sirius Request is the same as Serious Request. The board of study association Sirius will lock themselves up for a day in the association's room in the techno hall of the University of Twente and stream it. During the day, students of the university (and other people) can send in assignments that the board can carry out for a donation. The original Sirius Request could not take place in December due to corona, but we are going to try again.
Jesper was supposed to go bald for 300 euro last year, and there are now a number of board members from other study associations are going to do that in his honour.
Will you support us in our action for MIND? Then share our action with everyone you know. And: Donate! Love, the 48th board of Sirius